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The GS-14 triode generates, amplifies and multiplies oscillations on the centimetric and decimetric wavelength ranges.

Cathode: indirectly heated, oxide-coated.
Envelope: titanium-ceramic.
Height: at most 37 mm.
Diameter: at most 25.5 mm.
Mass: at most 20 g.

A - anode; C - grid; KP - cathode and heater; P - heater

Vibration loads:
frequencies, Hz 2-100
acceleration, m/s² 98
frequencies, Hz 1,000-2,000
acceleration, m/s² 147
Multiple impacts with acceleration, m/s² 343
Single impacts with acceleration, m/s² 2,940
Linear loads with acceleration, m/s² 980
Ambient temperature, °C -60 to +100
Relative humidity at up to +40 °C, % 98

Electrical Parameters
Heater voltage, V 6.3
Heater current, A 0.66-0.8
Mutual conductance (at anode voltage 250 V and anode current 30 mA), mA/V 16-20
Operating point (negative grid voltage at anode voltage 250 V and anode current 30 mA), V 1.0-4.5
Interelectrode capacitance, pF:
input 3.5-5.5
output, at most 0.06
transfer 1.6-2.3
Warm up time, s, at most 45
Output power, W, min.:
at anode voltage 350 V, anode current 90 mA and wavelength at most 7.7 cm 2
over 750 h of service 1.6
Change in output power, %, at most ±35

Limit Operating Values
Heater voltage, V 6 - 6.6
Anode voltage, V 450
Grid voltage, V -100 to 0
Cathode current, mA 100
Grid current, mA 25
Dissipation, W:
anode 28
grid 0,5
RF power delivered to grid-cathode tuned circuit in the mode of amplification or multiplication, W 2,5
Envelope temperature, °C 200
Resistance in the anode circuit, kOm 1

Averaged Anode Characteristic Curves:
Uf = 6.3V

Averaged Anode-Grid Characteristic Curves:
Uf = 6.3V

Averaged Characteristic Curves:
Uf = 6.3V; Ia = 60 mA; L = 50 cm
_____ oscillator output power (P);
_ _ _ efficiency n

Averaged Characteristic Curves:
Uf = 6.3 V; Ia = 90 mA; L = 7.5 cm

Averaged Characteristic Curves:
Uf = 6.3V; Ia = 90 mA; L = 10 cm
_____ oscillator output power (P);
_ _ _ efficiency n

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