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The GU-88P triode is used as a RF oscillator and a power amplifier in stationary general-purpose RF equipment.

Cathode: directly heated, carbonized tungsten.
Envelope: metal ceramic.
Cooling: evaporation for anode, forced air for other elements of envelope.
Height: at most 771 mm.
Diameter: at most 244.5 mm.
Mass: at most 55 kg.


Electrical Parameters
Filament voltage (AC or DC), V 26
Filament current, A 640-720
Mutual conductance (at filament voltage 26 V, anode voltage 1 kV, peak grid voltages 200 and 600 V), mA/V 375-625
Static amplification factor (at filament voltage 26 V, anode voltages 1 and 2 kV, anode current 10 A) 36-55
Output power at frequencies up to 22 MHz, kW, at least 500
Interelectrode capacitance, pF:
input, at most 500
output, at most 7.5
transfer, at most 200

Limit Operating Values
Filament voltage, V 26
Filament starting current, peak value, A 1,150
Maximum anode voltage (DC):
without anode modulation, kV 12
with anode modulation (a most 1), kV 11
Negative grid voltage, absolute value, V 700
Dissipation, kW:
anode 250
grid 7
Operating frequency, MHz 10
Envelope temperature at hottest point, °C 180

Averaged Characteristic Curves:
Uf = 26V;
_____ anode-grid;
_ _ _ grid

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