Monitoring of ichthyofauna in the area of construction of the ski complex Psehako

Results of monitoring in the second half of 2013

Monitoring was organized on two designated experimental areas. The only species identified on these areas in the past years was trout Salmo trutta labrax morpha fario Linnaeus1758.

During the fish collection in autumn 2013 no trout was found on the parts of the river Laura adjacent to the Psehako ski complex. The spring fishing in 2013 provided evidence of this trend as well. The state of the trout population can be rated as inadequate. When the species population was censured in 2012, mature fish and young-of-the-year fish were identified washed off from the unharmed upper reach of the river. The summer-autumn survey has shown that the trout population density upstream of the river Laura and Achipse rivers, beyond the construction sites, is 0.5-2 individuals (0.6) per 10 m2. In the low-water season, the water in the river is muddy, there is machinery is running in the river channel and nearby and erosion processes are intensified during heavy precipitation. As a result, this part of the river turns into a mudflow. Some of the river sections are no longer used as feeding and spawning area required for trout dwelling and reproduction. Fish moved partly from the unsuitable sections higher up the river, and some fish was killed during flooding

Results of monitoring in the first half of 2013

As in the previous years, the ichthyofauna of monitored area is represented by a single fish species - trout (Salmo trutta labrax morpha fario Linnaeus, 1758).

During the fish collection for monitoring purposes in spring 2013 no trout was found on the parts of the river Laura adjacent to the Psehako ski complex. The state of the trout population can be rated as unsatisfactory.

When the species population was censured in 2012, mature fish and young-of-the-year fish were identified washed off from the unharmed upper reach of the river.

The summer-autumn survey has shown that the trout population density upstream of the river Laura and Achipse rivers, beyond the construction sites, is 0.5-2 individuals (0.6) per 10 m2. In the low-water season, the water in the river is muddy, machinery is running in the river channel and nearby and erosion processes are intensified in case of heavy precipitation. As a result, this part of the river turns into a mudflow. The entire section of the Mzymta river adjacent to the Psehako ski complex stopped, for some time, to be a feeding and spawning area required for trout dwelling and reproduction. Part of the fish moved from the unsuitable sections higher up the river, while others were killed during flooding.

Results of monitoring in 2012

The ichthyofauna of the ski complex “Psehako”, as shown by the studies of previous years, is represented by a single fish species - trout (Salmo trutta labrax morpha fario Linnaeus, 1758.)

In 2012 monitoring of trout was organized on two experimental areas. During the fishing in the summer 2012 no trouts were found on the parts of the rivers Achipse and Laura adjoining the ski complex Psehako, which suggests unsatisfactory status of the species on this area. When the species population was censured in April 2012, mature fish and young-of-the-year were identified which were washed off from the sections of the rivers Achipse and Laura unaffected by the construction activity.

Upstream the rivers Achipse and Laura, beyond the construction sites, trout normally occurs at 0.5-2 individuals (0.6) per 10 m2, which is in keeping with background rates for the species, based on average many-years census in the upper reach of mountain rivers in the Sochi National Park.

Downstream of the construction sites of the ski complex “Psehako” the river Achipse water is muddy and resembles a debris flow. This was the case throughout 2012 due to the intensive operation of machinery in the streambeds of the Achipse and Laura and on floodplain terraces of these rivers. The situation was aggravated during heavy rainfall enhancing erosion processes and the entire part of the Achipse turned into a mudflow.

Therefore it has to be acknowledged that these sections of the Achipse and Laura rivers temporarily stopped to be feeding and spawning areas required for trout dwelling and reproduction. Part of the fish moved from the unsuitable sections upstream, while others were killed during floods.

The analysis of data series of fish fauna monitoring in the rivers Achipse and Laura for the section close to the ski complex Gazprom shows increasing reduction in the trout population from the first half of 2011 (most intensive construction activities in the river channel ), with total loss of species on the monitoring areas in the second half of 2012.

Results of monitoring in 2011

Like in the previous years the ichthyofauna on the study areas was represented by only one species – trout.

The water turbidity as a result of erosion processes practically does not influence the trout. Among the adverse factors is withdrawal of the ballast substance from the river bed, which may lead to the physical death of juvenile fish.

On the monitoring areas the trout is a common species: 1-3 individuals per 10 m2 and ,on the average, 0.5 individuals (fish of all linear size was accounted). Generally the condition of the trout on the Laura parts adjoining the Psehako facilities can be assessed as satisfactory. During the censure of the species population in October 2011, both mature and immature fish was identified indicating to successful spawning of the previous years. The dneisty of young-of-the-year fish was 0.3 individuals per 10 m2.

Results of monitoring in 2010

On the study areas the ichthyofauna is represented by only one species – trout (Salmo trutta labrax morpha fario Linnaeus), 1758. Water turbidity as a result of erosion processes practically does not influence the trout. Among the adverse factors is withdrawal of the ballast substance from the river bed, which may lead to the death of juvenile fish.

On the monitoring areas the trout is a common species: 1-5 individuals per 10 m2 on the average 1.4 individuals (fish of all linear size was accounted).Generally the condition of the trout on the Laura parts adjoining the Psehako facilities can be assessed as satisfactory. During the censure of the species population in October 2010, mature fish and young-of-the-year fish were identified suggesting successful spawning.