Monitoring of herpetofauna in the area of construction of the Psehako ski complex
Results of monitoring in the second half of 2013
In June and late August 2013 the populations of amphibians and reptiles were censured on two permanent monitoring route, with recording the age of censured animals (number of adult and young animals).
Route 1. The upper station of the cableway – Pikhtovaya polyana (the near-crest part of the Psehako).
In 2012 the motorway was made wider, which killed the spawning grounds of Iranian long-legged wood frog on the near-crest areas (used to be a subalpine meadow on the beech forest and fir forest). Pikhtovaya polyana was transformed, with the subalpine meadow and reptile biotopes destroyed. As a result, the population of monitored animals was sharply decreasing. In 2013 the area development continued, which aggravated the situation.
Iranian long-legged wood frog (Rana macrocnemis) In the first half of 2012 1 individual was noted on the route and in early summer 2013 again only 1 frog was encountered. In August 2013 the species was not detected.
Blind worm (Anguis fragilis) was earlier identified on Pikhtovaya polyana in the subalpine high grasses and fir-beech forest ecotones. In 2011, one individual was encountered and the species was not detected in 2012. In 2013 the species has not been recorded.
Alpine rock lizard (Darevskia alpina) occurred from Pikhtovaya polyana to higher in the mountain. In 2013 no recolonization by the species was seen due to lack of suitable biotopes.
Derjugin’s lizard (Darevskia derjugini) continues to occur along the entire crest zone of the Psehako, except for the upper station of the cableway where the species went extinct in 2007. From the north-east border of the upper plot to the Pikhtovaya polyana inclusive (upper distribution line) Derjugin’s lizard occurred alng roads and on edges of beech and beech-fir forest. In the first half of 2012 the species disappeared along the road and 2 individuals wewre observed on Pikhtovaya ployana ecotone. In 2013 the species went extinct completely.
Dinnik’s viper (Pelias dinniki) used to occur on Pikhtovaya polyana. In 2013 there were no vipers of this species encountered, the biotopes totally destroyed.
Route 2. The upper plot of the cableway - the official guest house on Rudnichnaya polyana (southern macroslope of the Psehako).
The motorway was made wider in 2012 and as a result the number of the biotopes of the monitored herpetofauna species was declining. In June 2013 the species composition did not change, though the populations were extremely limited. The censure in August 2013 confirmed the low levels of the populations.
In June and August 2013 one individual of Iranian long-legged wood frog was detected on this route.
In the first half of 2013 just one individual of Derjugin’s lizard was recorded, in August 2013 3 frogs were encountered.
In the first half 2013 the spawning ground of Caucasian parsley frog (Pelodytes caucasicus) did not recover, starting from 2012 the species went extinct on the monitored area.
Brauner’s rock lizard (Darevskia brauneri) remains common and numerous in the hornbeam-oak forest at the foot of Psehako. The status of the species is stable. The road expansion in 2012 will not only lead to an increase in the population of the species, but also to its invasion into the beech-chestnut belt higher up.
Thus, in 2013 the population of Iranian long-legged wood frog and Derjugin’s lizard are assessed to be in a critical state. Extinction of Alpine rock lizard, blind worm, Dinnik’s viper and Caucasian parsley frog was confirmed. The only species with the stable status was Brauner’s rock lizard showing a tendency for broadening its distribution area and increasing population.
Results of monitoring in the first half of 2013
In June 2013 the populations of amphibians and reptiles were censured on two permanent monitoring routes, their age was recorded (number of adult and young animals).
Route 1. The upper station of the cableway – Pikhtovaya polyana (the near-crest part of the Psehako). In 2012 the motorway was made wider, which killed the spawning grounds of Iranian long-legged wood frog on the near-crest areas. Pikhtovaya polyana was transformed, with the subalpine meadow and biotopes of reptile habitats destroyed. As a result, the population of monitored animals was sharply decreasing. In 2013 the area was further developed, which aggravated the situation.
Iranian long-legged wood frog (Rana macrocnemis) Artificial spawning grounds in the near-crest zone and on Rudnichaya polyana recommended for preserving the amphibians and compensating the damage caused to the populations, have never been set up. In the first half of 2012, only 1 individual was noted on the route and again just 1 frog was detected in 2013.
Blind worm (Anguis fragilis) was earlier identified on Pikhtovaya polyana in the subalpine high grasses and fir-beech forest ecotones. In 2012 the species was not detected, the biotope is killed. In 2013 the species has not been recorded.
Alpine rock lizard (Darevskia alpina) occurred from Pikhtovaya polyana to higher in the mountain in 2011. In the first half of 2012, the species became extinct on Pikhtovaya polyana. In 2013 no recolonization by the species was seen.
Derjugin’s lizard (Darevskia derjugini) continues to occur along the entire crest zone of the Psehako, except for the upper station of the cableway where the species went extinct in 2007. In 2013 the species went extinct completely.
Dinnik’s viper (Pelias dinniki) used to occur on Pikhtovaya polyana. In 2013 there were no vipers of this species encountered.
Route 2The upper plot of the cableway - the official guest house on Rudnichnaya polyana (southern macroslope of the Psehako. The motorway was made wider and as a result the number of the biotopes of the monitored herpetofauna species was declining. In 2013 the species composition did not change, however the populations are extremely limited.
In June 2013 one individual of Iranian long-legged wood frog was noted again. In the first half of 2013 just one individual of Derjugin’s lizard was recorded.
In the first half 2013 the spawning ground of Caucasian parsley frog (Pelodytes caucasicus) did not recover, starting from 2012 the species went extinct on the monitored area.
Brauner’s rock lizard (Darevskia brauneri) remains common and numerous in the hornbeam-oak forest at the foot of Psehako. The status of the species is stable. The road expansion started in 2012 will not only lead to increasing the population of the species, but also to its invasion into the beech-chestnut belt higher up.
Thus in the first half of 2013 the population of Iranian long-legged wood frog and Derjugin’s lizard were assessed to be in a critical state. Extinction of Alpine rock lizard, blind worm, Dinnik’s viper and Caucasian parsley frog was confirmed. The only species with the stable status was Brauner’s rock lizard which shows a tendency for broadening distribution area and increasing population.
Results of monitoring in 2012
In 2012 surveys and census of amphibians and reptiles populations were carried out on two permanent monitoring routes. Coordination of the activities under the integrated environmental monitoring program was the responsibility of the Sochi National Park.
Route 1. The upper station of the cableway – Pikhtovaya polyana (the near-ridge part of the Psehako)
In 2012 the motorway was made wider, which killed the spawning grounds of Iranian long-legged wood frog on the near-ridge areas. Pikhtovaya polyana was transformed with the subalpine meadow and reptiles habitats. As a resultб a sharp decrease in the population of monitored animals was noted
Starting from 2009 the population of Iranian long-legged wood frog (Rana macrocnemis) was decreasing drastically due to transformation of landscapes and destruction of spawning grounds in the area of Psehako. In the first half of 2012 only one individual of this frog was identified and none were noted in the second half of the year. This may also be related to the extremely dry summer. Blind worm (Anguis fragilis) was earlier occurring on Pikhtovaya polyana in subalpine high grasses and fir-beech forest ecotones. In 2011 one individual was identified , while in 2012 the species was not detected and the biotope was killed. Alpine rock lizard (Darevskia alpina) was occurring on the area from Pikhtovaya polyana up to high in the ridge. Single individuals were identified in 2011 for the ecotone of Pikhtovaya polyana. In the first half of 2012 the species on Pikhtovaya polyana petered out, but it reappeared in the second half of the year. Derjugin’s lizard (Darevskia derjugini) was occurring along the ridge zone of Psehako, except for the upper station of the cable way, where the species petered out in 2007. In the first half of 2012 the species totally petered out along the motorway and 2 individuals were found for ecotone of the Pikhtovaya polyana, in the second half of the year the situation changed. Dinnik’s viper (Pelias dinniki) – the species has been encountered since 2010. In 2012 Dinnik’s viper was detected again, however the biotes suitable for its habitation have been destructed.
Route 2. The upper plot of the cableway – the official guest house on Rudnichnaya polyana
On this route the motorway was also made wider and biotopes of the monitored species of herpetofauna were further declining.
In the first half of 2012 only one individual of Iranian long-legged wood frog was identified on this route and none were noted in the second half of the year. Since 2010 a sharp decline ion the population of Derjugin’s lizard due to destruction of biotopes with motorway widenining and in autumn 2011 a total of 7 individuals were recorded per 1 km of the route, while only 3 individuals were recorded in the first half of 2012 and only 1 individual in the second half of the year. The spawning grounds of the Caucasian parsley frog did not recver tna the species petered out from the monitored route. Brauner’s rock lizard remains common and numerous in the hornbeam-oak forest at the foot of Psehako. The status of the species is stable.
Thus, in 2012 a further sharp decline in the population of Iranian long-legged wood frog and Derjugin’s lizard was noted, alpine rock lizard and blind worm petered out and Dinnik’s viper and Caucasian parsley frog were not deteted again. It is only Brauner’s rock lizard the population of which remained stable
Results of monitoring in 2011
In May and September 2011 census of amphibians and reptiles populations were carried out on two permanent monitoring routes, with recording the age of censured animals (number of adult and young animals).
Route 1
The route involved the upper station of the cableway – Pikhtovaya polyana (the near-ridge part of Psehako). In the spring, no monitoring was conducted, as the snow did not melt away.
Iranian long-legged wood frog (Rana macrocnemis)Starting from 2009 the population of Iranian long-legged wood frog (Rana macrocnemis) was decreasing significantly due to transformation of landscapes and destruction of spawning grounds. In 2011 the species was found on the route in small quantities. Only 1 individual was found per 1.5-2 km of the route. Artificial spawning grounds, as recommended for preserving amphibians and compensating the damage caused to the populations, has never been set up in the near-ridge zone on the Rudnichaya polyana. Such spawning grounds would have brought proliferating individuals closer to water reservoirs, decreased death of larva and eggs on roads and contribute to preservation of the species.
Blind worm (Anguis fragilis)was earlier identified in Pikhtovaya polyana in subalpine high grasses and fir-beech forest. In 2011 1 individual was recorded.
Alpine rock lizard (Darevskia alpina) occurred from Pikhtovaya polyana and higher in the mountain. Single individuals were recorded on Pikhtovaya polyana ecotone in 2011.
Derjugin’s lizard (Darevskia derjugini) – continues to occur along the entire ridge zone of the Psehako, except for the upper plot on which the species petered out in 2007. From the north-east border of the upper plot of Pikhtovaya polyana (the upper limit of the species distribution) Derjugin’s lizard was noted along the roads and on the edges of beech and beech-fir forest. The average population density in 2011 was twice smaller as compared to 2010 and was 2 individuals per 1 km of the route, which is 8 times lower than in the previous years.
Dinnik’s viper (Pelias dinniki) – was encountered on Pikhtovaya polyana. In 2008 the species was not recorded. In June 2009 1 individual was found on the upper boundary of the subalpine meadow and beech crooked forest. Since 2010 the species has not been recorded.
Route 2
The route was on the upper plot of the cableway –up to the official guest house on Rudichnaya polyana (southern macroslope of Psehako)
In May 2011 a total of 3 individuals of Iranian long-legged wood frog were recorded in the area adjoining the brook , the autumn monitoring revealed a decrease in the population density to 1 individual for the same route length.
Derjugin’s lizard – even though the species population decreased sharply in 2010 due to destruction of biotopes in the course of the road widening it sired and wintered all right. Generally the status of the species in spring on the southern macroslope of Psehako is considered to be satisfactory. In the autumn 2011 7 individuals per 1 km of the route were recorded.
Brauner’s rock lizard (Darevskia brauneri) – Brauner’s rock lizard remains common and numerous in the hornbeam-oak forest at the foot of Psehako. The status of the species is stable.
Thus, in 2011 habitation of 1 amphibian species and 3 reptile species was established with certainty, but generally there is degradation of herpetofauna population and spatial distribution on route 1. On route 2, 1 amphibian species and 52 reptile species were recorded.the status of Iranian long-legged wood frog is a concern, the population of Derjugin’s lizard and Brauner’s rock lizard remains stable.
Results of monitoring in 2010
In June and September 2010 census of amphibians and reptiles populations were carried out on two permanent monitoring routes, with recording the age of censured animals (number of adult and young animals). For tailless amphibians, egg laying places were recorded in spring.
Route 1
The route involved the upper station of the cableway – Pikhtovaya polyana (the near-ridge part of Psehako). Data for the following species of amphibians and reptiles were obtained.
Iranian long-legged wood frog (Rana macrocnemis)
In June 2010 the population of the species was seen to decreas, particulary inhte vicinity of Krasnaya polyana which is related to transformation of biotopes. The surviving individuals have probably moved to the eastern slope of Psehako. A sharp decrease in the population to 1 individual was found per 1.5 km of the route was already seen at the end of summer 2009. In the pools, in which proliferation was going on, eggs were thrown out by vehicles and dried out. In the second half of 2010 second egg laying was not seen which was partly due to a dry summer. Artificial spawning grounds, as recommended for preserving amphibians and compensating the damage caused to the populations, have never been set up in the near-ridge zone on the Rudnichaya polyana. As said in 2009, such spawning grounds would have brought proliferating individuals closer to water, decreased death of larva and eggs on the roads and contribute to preservation of the species.
Blind worm (Anguis fragilis)
was earlier identified on Pikhtovaya polyana in subalpine high grasses. In the first half of 2010 the species was not recorded, but in the autumn single young-of-the-year individuals were found, which is indicative of the species preservation and proliferation.
Alpine rock lizard (Darevskia alpina)
occurred over the area from Pikhtovaya polyana and higher in the mountain. In June 2010 the species was not recorded on Pikhtovaya polyana, but was occurring higher on subalpine meadows with rocky outcrops. In the autumn, the species recolonized part of the monitored area with boulders.
Derjugin’s lizard (Darevskia derjugini)
– occurred in 2010 along the entire ridge zone of the Psehako except for the upper plot on which the species petered out in 2007. From the north-east border of the upper plot of Pikhtovaya polyana ()upper limit of the species distribution) Derjugin’s lizard was noted along the roads and on the edges of beech and beech-fir forest. On Pikhtovaya polyana the species was not recorded I June 2010. The average population density in June 2010 was 4 individuals per 1 km of the route, which is t times lower than in the previous years. In the autumn single individuals were again seen on Pikhtovaya polyana. The biotope of lizards was seriously disturbed by tourists and their camp.
Dinnik’s viper (Pelias dinniki)
– was earlier encountered on Pikhtovaya polyana. In 2008 the species was not recorded. In June 2009 1 individual was found on the upper boundary of the subalpine meadow and beech crooked forest. The species was recorded during the autumn monitoring of 2009 and in 2010.
Route 2
The route was on the upper plot of the cableway –up to the official guest house on Rudichnaya polyana (southern macroslope of Psehako)
Iranian long-legged wood frog
was recorded in 2010 throughout the route, however spawning grounds, like in 2009, were preserved only in the middle of the route.
Eggs of Caucasian parsley frog (Pelodytes caucasicus)
were found in the first half of 2010 in water-filled depressions on the middle part of the path to Psehako, in the second half of 2010 the spawning ground was destructed as a result of the road expansion.
Derjugin’s lizard
was recorded in the lower part of the route, the population density did not change and was 7 individuals per 50 m of the route. In the second half of 2010 the population decreased sharply due to destruction of the biotope during the road expansion. Generally the status of the species on the southern macroslope of Psehako is assessed as satisfactory.
Brauner’s rock lizard (Darevskia brauneri) remained common and numerous in the hornbeam-oak forest at the foot of Psehako. The status of the species is stable.
Monitoring of 2010 clearly shows anthropogenic impact with decreasing number of the populations of amphibians and reptiles and destruction of part of spawning grounds on the permanenet monitoring routes of the Psehako ski complex (the upper station of the cableway – Pikhtovaya polyana (the near-ridge part of Psehako) and the upper plot of the cableway –up to the official guest house on Rudnichnaya polyana (southern macroslope of Psehako). It should be stressed that the planned construction activities on Pikhtovaya polyana will lead to death of representatives of amphibians and reptiles on this part of Psehako.