In the autumn 2013 the sample areas and paths were surveyed. All fauna detected during the survey was recorded. Identification of plants was based on several fundamental monographs. In dealing with rare plants the recommendations of the Red Book of Russian Federation (2008) and Red Book of Krasnodar kray (2007) were used. The features under study include:
- species diversity for rare plants;
- populations of species included in Red Book of Russian Federation;
- rare species- indicators of man-induced impact;
- population density of rare species- indicators of man-induced impact;
- spatial distribution of rare herbaceous plants;
- level of man-made disturbance on the surveyed area.
The purpose was to monitor the state of cenopopulations of rare plant species on the ski complex territory.
In 2013 one third of the plot was destroyed as the upper fertile soil layer with vegetation was removed for building the ski runs. As a result, only 8 plants Atropa caucasica were recorded and 6 of them were generative.
On the territory stretching to the subalpine belt the predominant species is Rubus caucasicus and subdominant is Aruncus vulgaris, with separated groups of Vaccinium arctostaphylos twined with Convolvulus arvensis, occasionally Heracleum mantegazzianum is encountered.
In the spring 2013 we also surveyed an area of 20,7379 hectares made available to JSC “Krasnaya Polyana” for leasing to construct the ski jumps К-125, К-95.
When the survey was conducted no rare herbaceous species were detected. On the borders of this area there are Equisetum pretense, Mycelis muralis, Cicerbita prenanyhoides, Sanicula europaea, Impatiens nolli-tangere, Symphytum grandiflorum, Petasites albus. Of the ferns, encountered were Matteuccia struthiopteris, Phylites scolopendrium and Athyrium filix-femina.
In the spring 2013 a survey of 714,446 hectares area was conducted which was made available to JSC “Krasnaya Polyana” for leasing to construct the sport and tourist complex Gornaya Karusel, including the 1780-room Olympic media village.
No rare plant species were found on this territory.
Also the territory of the 878-room Olympic media village (960 m above the sea level) and adjacent infrastructure facilities were surveyed and the species found on the vegetation islands include Tussilago farfara, Convolvulus arvensis, Geranium robertianum, Calamintha grandiflora, Coronilla varia, Taraxacum officinalis, Trifolium repens, Matteuccia struthiopteris, Equisetum pretense , Carex hirta and Carex pendula. There were no rare species included in the Red Books of Russia detected on the area.
When the survey was conducted in autumn 2013 no rare herbaceous species were detected.
In the first half of 2013 the sample areas and paths were surveyed. All fauna identified during the survey was recorded. The purpose was to monitor the state of the cenopopulations of rare plant species at the ski complex territory.
Starting from setting up the sample plots during 2008 – 2009, two rare vascular plants have been monitored: Galanthus woronowii Losinsk and Paeonia caucasica (Schipcz).
In 2009 the first monitoring area (left bank of the Mzymta river) was destroyed when the combined rail and motorway was built on which the monitored species was Galanthus woronowii Losinsk, an endemic species of the West Zakavkazye, included in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and Krasnodar kray. As the habitat of Galanthus woronowii Losinsk was wiped out, we selected two vascular rare plants monitored for two years: Colchicum umbrosum and Cyclamen coum.
In the spring 2012 the sample area #1 was destroyed due to further development of the Olympic Games construction site.
The second sample area with the rare plant Paeonia caucasica (Schipcz.) monitored for two years 2008-2009 (passage from the cableway to the second line) was destroyed in 2010 as the ski runs were extended
In the autumn 2010 above the cableway passage we set up the sample area # 3, on which the monitored species was Atropa caucasica Kreyer. This vulnerable species with shrinking distribution area is included in the Red Books of Russia and Krasnodar kray. It occurs on the North Caucasus and grows in forest primarily beech forest, on edges, moist meadows, river banks clearings in the lower and medium alpine belts. It is encountered rarely, usually single plants or in small groups/ on the plot in 2010 a small cenopopulation of 5 plants was identified , all of them bearing abundant fruit .
In 2013 1/3 of the plot was destroyed as the upper fertile soil layer with vegetation was removed for building the ski runs. As a result, only 8 plants Atropa caucasica were recorded 6 of them were generative.
On the territory stretching to the subalpine belt the predominant species is Rubus caucasicus and subdominant is Aruncus vulgaris, with separated groups of Vaccinium arctostaphylos twined with Convolvulus arvensis, occasionally Heracleum mantegazzianum is encountered.
In the spring 2013 we also surveyed an area of 20,7379 hectares which was made available for JSC “Krasnaya Polyana” for leasing to construct the ski jumps К-125, К-95.
When the survey was conducted no rare herbaceous species were detected. On the borders of this area there are mesophylic and hydro-mesophylic species including Equisetum pretense, Mycelis muralis, Cicerbita prenanyhoide, Sanicula europaea, Impatiens nolli-tangere, Symphytum grandiflorum, Petasites albus. Of the ferns, growing are Matteuccia struthiopteris, Phylites scolopendrium and Athyrium filix-femina.
Ski jumps К-125, К-95
In the spring 2013 a survey of 714,446 hectares area was conducted which was made available to JSC “Krasnaya Polyana” for leasing to construct the sport and tourist complex Gornaya Karusel, including the 178-room Olympic media village (540 m above the sea level).
When the survey was conducted no rare herbaceous species were detected. On the borders of this area there are mesophylic and hydro-mesophylic species including.
No rare plant species were found on this territory.
Also the territory of the 878-room Olympic media village (960 m above the sea level) was surveyed the species found on the vegetation islands include Tussilago farfara, Convolvulus arvensis, Geranium robertianum, Calamintha grandiflora, Coronilla varia, Taraxacum officinalis, Trifolium repens, Matteuccia struthiopteris, Equisetum pretense, Carex hirta and Carex pendula. There were no rare species included in the Red Books of Russia and Krasnodar kray detected on the area.
Herbaceous plants under are soil piles |
878-rooms Olympic media village (960 m above the sea level)
Surviving vegetation on the upper construction sites
In the autumn 2012 survey of the sample areas was conducted. The purpose was to monitor the cenopopulations of rare plant species on the ski complex “Kransnaya Polyana”.
Since the sample areas were organized from 2008 to 2009 monitoring covered two vascular plant species in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and Kransodar kray: Galanthus woronowii Losinsk and Paeonia caucasica (Schipcz).
In 2009 as the railway was built the first monitoring area (left bank of the Mzymta river) was destroyed on which Galanthus woronowii Losinsk was monitored. By 2012 the entire area was destroyed. The second plot with the rare species Paeonia caucasica was monitored from 2008 to 2009 was also destroyed in the course of building skiing runs.
In the autumn 2010 above the passage to the second cableway sample area #3 was set up to monitor Atropa caucasica Kreyer, vulnerable species with declining distribution area, included in the Red Books of Russia and Krasnodar kray. In June 2012 when the plot was inspected 14 plants of Atropa caucasica Kreyer were detected, of them 12 were degenerative. On the edge of the plot there were net rolls stored, pinning two plants of the monitored species.
When the sample area was inspected in the autumn 2012 the populations of Euphorbia oblongifolia, Hypericum Carex pendula perfoliatum, Tussilago farfara were on the increase, two plants of Aruncus vulgaris were invading, separate Epilobium alpestre and Chamaenerion colchicum plants were noted, significant areas on the slope were occupied by Trachistemon orientale and Symphytum grandiflorum, and Dentaria bulbifera occurred under the beech forest cover. Rubus caucasicus was growing on a wider scale.
During monitoring in the spring 2011 the sample areas in the vicinity of on the ski complex “Kransnaya Polyana” on which Galanthus woronowii Losinsk and Paeonia caucasica were monitored were found to have been destroyed as a result of expanding construction activity.
In spring 2011 on area #2 a total of 12 vegetative plants Atropa caucasica Kreyer were recorded which is 7 plants more than in the last year. In the autumn the same 19 plants were in satisfactory state, of them 9 were bearing fruit.
Earlier in the spring herbaceous vegetation with predominant plants of sedge, grass and composite families were recorded and in the autumn Rubus caucasicus of the rose family and Phytolacca americana were recorded.
Sample area #2 should be monitored to trace down development of pioneer population of monitor Atropa caucasica Kreyer.
Rubus caucasicus grows from the third construction facilities to subalpine belt and becomes predominant on the ridge, also Vaccinium arctostaphylos grows in small patches. Monitoring should be continues here in springtime.
In the course of 4 years of monitoring of changes in the natural landscapes it can be seen that rare forest vascular plants are elminiated and weed species become more frequent. The habitats change and vegetation changes too.
Results of monitoring in 2010
In 2010 two sample areas in the vicinity of on the ski complex “Kransnaya Polyana” were surveyed on which rare plant species used to grow. In the summer 2010 the sample area #1 on which Galanthus woronowii Losinsk had been monitored was destroyed as a result of construction of the combined rail and motorway (the right bank of the Mzymta floodplain terrace).
On the edges of retained forest islands the ground vegetation changes and remaining forest vegetation takes over open areas, occasionally the predominant species are Tussilago farfara and Carex pendula on dump sites. On the forest territory unaffected by construction, next to the hornbeam-beech forest, a wide diversity of vascular plants, including rare ones, is still preserved.
Extensive deforested areas are overgrown with common plants such as Plantago major, Trifolium pretense, Pyrethrum parthenifolium, Verbascum, Rubus caucasicus Chamaenerion angustifolium, Galega officinalis, Convolvulus arvensis.
Of the rare plant species included in the Red Book of Russia Atropa caucasica is also recorded on the edges.
In the autumn 2010 above the passage to the second cableway sample area #2 was set up to monitor Atropa caucasica Kreyer, vulnerable species with declining distribution area, included in the Red Books of Russia and Krasnodar kray.