Monitoring of herbaceous plants in the vicinity of the mountain cluster sites
Results of monitoring in the second half of 2013
In the autumn 2013 the sample areas set up earlier were surveyed. The purpose was to monitor the state of the cenopopulations of rare plants. There are three sample areas established in 2007 to monitor the state of vascular plants.
Sample area #10
Area 100 sq m. was set up in beech forest on the north slope of the Aibga. The upper canopy is dominated by Fagus orientalis. The undergrowth is represented by Corylus avellana, Rhododendron luteum, Ilex colchica, Sambucus nigra and Salix caprea. In the herbaceous layer, forest mesophylic and hydro-mesophylic species occur such as Equisetum pretens, Cicerbita sp., Sanicula europaea, Impatiens nolli-tangere, Struthiopteris filicastrum, Symphytum grandiflorum, Paris incompleta, Petasites albus and other. The soil type is moist brown forest soil.
The monitoring object is Galanthus woronowii, endemic of the West Zakavkazye included in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and Krasnodar kray.
In the spring 2007 there were 34 plants of this species found on this sample area, while in the spring 2013 a total of 77 plants were recorded. Of rare species, encountered are Eruthronium caucasicum, Caucasian hellebore and associated species such as Stelaria holostea, Corydalis caucasica, Anemone ranunculoides and Silene vulgaris. The latter species that was not recorded before.
When the area was surveyed in the autumn 2013, plants were dead already and bulbs were dormant. The state of this species is assessed as acceptable .
Sample area #11
The area of 100 sq m is set up in chestnut forest by the Aibga foot on the north slope. The upper canopy is dominated by sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa). The undergrowth is represented by Corylus avellana, Ilex colchica, Laurocerasus officinalis, Sambucus nigra. Non-layered vegetation is made of Hedera colchica.
The herbaceous layer includes Sanicula europaea, Impatiens nolli-tangere, Symphytum grandiflorum, Geranium robertianum and others. The soil type is moist brown forest soil.
The monitoring object is Colchicum speciosum - Caucasian mesophylic rare species included in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and Krasnodar kray.
When the area was studied in the autumn 2013, 6 plants were recorded of which 5 were stem-broken, 29 plants were killed. The reduction in the number of Colchicum speciosum plants is explained by elimination of the sample area during the bank-protection activity.
Sample area #12
Area of 100 sq m. is set up in near-crest part of the Aibga ridge and consists of two plots 35 sq m and 65 sq m, respectively. It is lowgrass alpine meadow with Eruthronium caucasicum, Taraxacum confusum, Gentiana dzimilensis, Gentiana septemfida, Anthemis sosnowskyana, Scabiosa caucasica, Viola oreades and others. The soil type is moist alpine meadow skeletonless soil.
There were three rare vascular plant species under monitoring: Muscari coeruleum Losinsk, Erythronium caucasicum Woronow and Crocus scharojani.
1. Muscari coeruleum Losinsk. is North Colchis endemic included Red Books of Russia and Kransodar kray. The number of plants recorded on the 35 sq m sample area was as follows: 64 plants in spring 2007, 68 plants in 2008, 76 plants in 2009, 84 plants in 2010, 93 plants in 2011, 102 plants in 2012.
In June 2013 the same number of Muscari coeruleum plants (102) were detected on the 35 sq m sample area. The state of this species is assessed as acceptable, its population is growing.
2. Erythronium caucasicum Woronow is West Caucasian forest and alpine species included in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and Kransodar kray. A total of 121 plants were recorded in the spring 2007. In June 2013 a total of 154 Erythronium caucasicum plants were detected. In this stage, the state of this species is regarded as acceptable, its population is on the increase.
3. Crocus scharojanii is endemic North Colchis species included in the Red Book Kransodar kray. The soil on this sample area is moist alpine meadow skeletonless soil. On the 35 sq m sample area, 23 plants were recorded in 2007. In June 2013 a total of 156 Erythronium caucasicum plants were recorded.
Generally, the state of the monitored plants on the sample areas is acceptable. Currently populations of some rare species is on the increase and appearance of aboriginal herbaceous plants is observed.
The above cenopopulations are mainly preserved due to their ability for vegetative propagation, and their state can be considered as acceptable.
Monitoring of rare vascular plants on ski complex “Roza Khutor” in the first half of 2013
In the early summer 2013 the sample areas set up earlier were surveyed. All fauna identified during the survey was recorded. The purpose was to monitor the state of the cenopopulations of rare plants.
There are three sample areas set up in 2007 to monitor the state of vascular plants.
The state of vascular plants was assessed by the following characteristics: distribution, ecology, trends for changes in the population and distribution area. The most effective indicators of the cenopopulation state is age composition and population.
Sample area #10
Area 100 sq m. was set up in beech forest on the north slope of the Aibga. The upper canopy is dominated by Fagus orientalis. The undergrowth is represented by Corylus avellana, Rhododendron luteum, Ilex colchica, Sambucus nigra, and Salix caprea. The herbaceous layer forest mesophylic and hydro-mesophylic species occur such as Equisetum pretens), Cicerbita sp., Sanicula europaea, Impatiens nolli-tangere, Struthiopteris filicastrum, Symphytum grandiflorum, Paris incompleta, Petasites albus and other. The soil type is moist brown forest soil.
The monitoring object is Galanthus woronowii, endemic of the West Zakavkazye, included in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and Krasnodar kray.
In the spring 2013, a total of 77 plants of this species were recorded. In general, the state of the monitored plants is satisfactory. Of rare species, encountered are Eruthronium caucasicum, Caucasian hellebore and associated species such as Stelaria holostea, Corydalis caucasica, Anemone ranunculoides and Silene vulgaris - the species that was not recorded before
Sample area #11
The area of100 sq m is set up in chestnut forest by the Aibga foot on the north slope. The upper canopy is dominated by sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa). The undergrowth is represented by Corylus avellana, Ilex colchica, Laurocerasus officinalis, Sambucus nigra. Non-layered vegetation is made of Hedera colchica.
The herbaceous layer includes Sanicula europaea, Impatiens nolli-tangere, Symphytum grandiflorum, Geranium robertianum and others. The soil type is moist brown forest soil.
The monitoring object is Colchicum speciosum - Caucasizn mesophylic rare species included in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and Krasnodar kray. In the early summer 2013 the same number of plants (31) was recorded as in the past year. As of today the state of this species is considered to be satisfactory.
Sample area #12
Area of 100 sq m. is set up in near-crest part of the Aibga ridge and consists of two plots 35 sq m and 65 sq m, respectively. It is lowgrass alpine meadow with Eruthronium caucasicum, Taraxacum confusum, Gentiana dzimilensis, Gentiana septemfida, Anthemis sosnowskyana, Scabiosa caucasica, Viola oreades and others. The soil type is alpine meadow skeletonless soil.
There were three rare vascular plant species under monitoring: Muscari coeruleum Losinsk, Erythronium caucasicum Woronow and Crocus scharojanii.
In the first half of 2013 a total of 102 plants of Muscari coeruleum, 154 plants of Crocus scharojanii and 156 plants of Erythronium caucasicum Woronow were recorded. Generally the state of the monitored plants was satisfactory, a certain increase in the population of rare species today is observed and local herbaceous plants invade on the monitored areas.
The above cenopopulations are preserved due to their ability for vegetative propagation and their state can be considered to be satisfactory.
Results of monitoring in 2012
In the early summer and autumn 2012 survey of the sample areas was conducted. The purpose was to monitor cenopopulations of rare plant species. Since 2007 three areas were organized for monitoring rare plants.
Area 100 sq m. (N.10) was set up in beech forest, the north slope of the Aibga. The monitoring object was Galanthus woronowii, endemic of the West Zakavakzya, included in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and Kransodar kray. It grows by single plants and clones of 8 to16 plants. In spring 2012 70 plants of this species was recorded. Of rare plants reoccurring are Erythronium caucasicum, Caucasian hellebore, allbone, Corydalis caucasica and yellow anemone.
Area 100 sq m (N.11) is set up in chestnut forest by the Aibga foot on the north slope. The monitoring object is Colchicum speciosum – a rare mesophylic species included in the Red Books of Russia and Kransodar kray. In the early summer 2012 a total of 31 plants were recorded. In the autumn 2012 a total of 23 flowering plants were recorded. The state of the rare species on the sample area is satisfactory, the population is growing.
Area 100 sq m. (N.12) is set up in near-crest part of the Aibga ridge and consists of two plots of lowgrass alpine meadow. 3 rare vascular plant species were monitored: Muscari coeruleum Losinsk, Erythronium caucasicum Woronow and Crocus scharojanii.
In the spring 2012 a total of 102 plants of Muscari coeruleum Losinsk; 152 plants of Crocus scharojanii; 152 plants of Erythronium caucasicum were recorded. In general, the state of the monitored plants is satisfactory, a certain increase in the population of rare species and invasion of aboriginal herbaceous plants is noted.
The above cenopopulations are preserved due to their ability for vegetative propagation and their state can be considered to be satisfactory.
Results of monitoring of herbaceous plant species in 2011
In the vicinity of ski complex “Roza Khutor” monitoring of rare plant vascular species in 2011 was conducted on three areas (plots) 100 m2, near the places where rare species occur.
On the edges of retained forest islands ground vegetation changes and remaining forest vegetation takes over open areas, occasionally the predominant species are Tussilago farfara and Carex pendula on dump sites. Next to the hornbeam forest a wide diversity of vascular plants, including rare ones, is preserved.
On the sample area in beech forest, the north slope of the Aibga the monitoring object is Galanthus woronowii, endemic of the West Zakavakzya, included in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and Kransodar kray.
On the sample area set up in chestnut forest by foot on the north slope of the Aibga the monitoring object is Colchicum speciosum, a rare mesophylic species included in the Red Books of Russia and Kransodar kray. In Russia it occurs in the Caucasus.
On the sample areas set up in the near-crest part of the Aibga ridge 2 rare vascular plant species were monitored: Muscari coeruleum Losinsk, and Erythronium caucasicum.
Muscari coeruleum is North Colchis endemic, included Red Books of Russia and Kransodar kray. Erythronium caucasicum is West Caucasian forest an alpine species, included in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and Kransodar kray.
In general, by the data of 2011 monitoring, the state of the monitored cenopopulations of rare species plants in the vicinity of ski complex “Roza Khutor” is satisfactory.
Results of monitoring of herbaceous plant species in 2010
In the vicinity of ski complex “Roza Khutor” monitoring of rare plant vascular species in 2010 was conducted on three areas (plots) 100 m2, near the places where rare species occur.
On the sample area set up in beech forest, the north slope of the Aibga the monitoring object is Galanthus woronowii, endemic of the West Zakavakzya, included in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and Kransodar kray.
On the sample area set up in chestnut forest by foot on the north slope of the Aibga the monitoring object is Colchicum speciosum, a rare mesophylic species included in the Red Books of Russia and Kransodar kray. In Russia it occurs in the Caucasus.
On two plots in the near-crest part f the Aibga ridge three rare vascular plant species were monitored: Muscari coeruleum , Erythronium caucasicum and Crocus scharojanii.
Muscari coeruleum is North Colchis endemic, included in the Red Books of Russia and Kransodar kray. Erythronium caucasicum is West Caucasian forest an alpine species, included in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and Kransodar kray. Crocus scharojani is endemic species North Colchis, included in the Red Books of Russia and Kransodar kray.
In general, by the data of 2010 monitoring, the state of the monitored cenopopulations of rare species plants in the vicinity of ski complex “Roza Khutor” is assessed as satisfactory.